Learn to kayak sessions teach paddling skills as well as unique kayaking skills required for sport kayaking.

Session 1: Equipment, Safety, Wet Exits, and Strokes
Session 2: Strokes, T-Rescues, technical skills, stability
Session 3: Introduction to the Kayaking roll and bracing
Session 4: Learn to play kayak polo and ball control

This course covers the basics for those who have always wanted to kayak but never had the chance. We will focus on sport kayaking and the sport of kayak polo. Gamification exercises will be added throughout the series to work on stability, strokes, and technique. Kayak polo combines kayaking and ball handling skills with the speed and contact of hockey as well as the tactics and positional plays of basketball. As such, this course is right for everybody that wants to get into sport kayaking or take on a new fun sport. Participants are encouraged to come to club nights after the learn-to. A pro-rated membership is available.

All 4 part series kayak instructional courses will include four – 2 hour sessions of instruction at the Physical Activity Complex pool and use of club kayaks, equipment and paddles. 

Please note: based on manufacturers guidelines, the kayaks provided to participate in this program have restricted cockpit dimensions and weight limitations (approximately 210 lbs).  Participants must bring their own bathing suit and towel. A (tight) T-Shirt is recommended.

(4 part series)

Term 1: September 10th/17th/24th and October 1st, 2023
Term 2: January 14th/21st/28th and February 4th, 2024
Location:  Physical Activity Complex Pool
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Price: $30
Limit: 8 kayakers

Register online or at the PAC Office (Room 222).